We heard you! In response to exit surveys and member questions, we’re excited to offer a unique and re-imagined take on open networking and encourage members of the Digital Transformation Leadership community to make connections and build alliances.
Connect. Engage. Meet.
Let’s face it, it’s very unlikely that events will be happening in person for a while. However, we understand that much of the value of these type of events is the opportunity to meet, connect, and talk.
We made this group about People, Process, and Technology. To achieve a new way to openly network, we’re using all three.
Here’s the deal:
We will ask you some questions when you RSVP.
(Find that here: https://themodestack.typeform.com/to/QKSSKvyD)
We’ll “matchmaker” you in the right group.
You get to network with like-minded leaders.
Here’s How:
After brief introductions, you will be in groups of 3 digital transformation leaders in a breakout room. What you discuss is up to you, though we’ll happily provide topics if you need a boost. Each room will be open for about 10-15 minutes, then we’ll switch rooms. Rinse and Repeat for our meetup duration.
By joining our private LinkedIn group, you can browse members, make connections and start a dialogue. In our meetup, based on the information you provide we will help you connect in breakout rooms with the like-minded leaders you’ve initiated the conversations.