Perhaps you’ve been considering creating an app for your business but with little to no knowledge in this space, getting started with the development process seems daunting to say the least. Still, with over 197 billion apps downloaded in 2017 alone, it’s clear that your customers, current and potential, are ready for more, so waiting is no longer an option. And if you think your business doesn’t need a mobile app in today’s fast-paced and cyber-connected world, think again. If it’s not your business they find, you can bet it will be your competitors’.
So, where to start? From target audience to workflow and mobile responsiveness to prototyping, the success of your app is in the details, all the way down to the color scheme and branding.
Luckily, you’re not alone. At Modestack, we walk you through the process of creating – not just any app – but the one your customers will want to use. From start to finish, here’s how we bring your vision to fruition:
Step 1: Identify Your Customer’s Core Problems
Aside from developing the actual app, discovering your target audience’s pain points is one of the most essential steps in developing a mobile app. By understanding who they are, what makes them tick and what they need, you can identify the problem that your app will ultimately solve.
Step 2: Strategize Solutions
With the core problem in mind, strategize the concept to create the roadmap that brings it to fruition, while looking for ways the app would be both a success and a failure.
This includes:
- Platforms and devices your app will be supported on
- Your revenue model
- Your timeline
- A clear idea of what your ultimate solution is for your customers
Step 3: Wireframe Your Features
Determining your features requires balance and self-control. While it may seem better to offer an exhaustive list of features, apps only serve their purpose when the core problem is solved- so focus on that first.
Following the successful creation of necessary solutions, additional benefits can be added(within reason). Remember, it’s always quality over quantity.
Step 4: Focus on the User Experience
Without a great user experience, the entire app will fail. The interface and ease of workflow for the user can single-handedly turn someone off from utilizing an otherwise successful app out of frustration.
Throughout the entire development process, keep your audience at the forefront of every decision.
Step 5: Develop a Prototype
It’s time to turn your vision into an actual product with functionality that users can test. Ultimately, a prototype will save your company time, energy and most importantly, money by working out the bugs on a smaller scale prior to your launch.
This is the time to test, test again, and tweak any issues you come across.
Step 6: Define the Analytics to Track
You’ll want to know how many times your app has been downloaded, how users found your site or app and how well they engage with it. With relevant analytics, you’ll get all of those answers and more.
This data will help to give your company an inside look at who your users are and how well your app works to retain them.
Step 7: Begin the Launch
First thing’s first: Test again!
(And once more for good measure.)
With the confidence that can only come with a great prototype, ample testing and revisions based upon the reviews of real-life people-it’s time to launch. By already understanding your target audience from steps before, your marketing plan is halfway completed; the other half can be fine-tuned using the metrics you’ve installed inside.
In seven simple steps, you’ve officially launched your company’s app to the world!
The Right Team for the Job.
It’s our job at Modestack to make sure your app comes together seamlessly. With our 3-5-8 model, you can rest assured that our team can build out the app your company needs to stay relevant in today’s market.
If you’re ready to have your company’s app as more than just a “big idea”, connect with us to see how our MVP Jump Start can bring your vision to fruition the right way. Combining strategy, systems, and a detailed estimated budget for your project, after our 4-week discovery you’ll have everything you need to get the job done- faster, smarter, better.